
Archive: March 2009

What is Education? Part 1: Book List

Oh, I am such a nerd! Wait, you read my blog; you probably already know that. Anyway, I get a little weak in the knees when I see discussions about books, discussions about educational theory, and especially discussions about books on educational...

7 Quick Takes Friday

Better late than never. I was too busy nesting to post this earlier. —1— Yesterday we bought Bella some underwear. She was so excited, she could hardly wait to put them on. So far we’ve had about six changes of clothes because of...

Why Am I Still Awake?

The problem with being a night owl is that you can’t change your nature. Even if I get up early and get to bed early, it doesn’t change the fact that my productive time of day is after 10 pm. That’s when my brain switches on and my...

A Treasury of New Board Books

Sophia is turning out to be as much of a bookworm as her sister. She just loves sitting and turning the pages of her board books. And when I sit her in my lap and read to her she chortles and beams and claps her hands with excitement. So I put books...

In Just-

Today Bella is outside again dipping into the mud puddles and one of my favorite e. e. cummings poems drifted into my head… mud-luscious! puddle-wonderful! So I thought I’d share. Unfortunately my blog software will probably mess up the...

Good News

My endocrinologist called this evening—yes, at 7:00—to say that the thyroid biopsy results were fine. Thank you very much to everyone who’s been praying. I appreciate your thoughts and prayers.

Bella Plays in the Mud

Yesterday we had snow, rain, snow, rain, and hail, followed by snow, snow, snow. Today we had sun and mud. And Bella went outside and played in the mud puddles, scooping up the dirty water with her various beach toys and pouring it into some old...

Thank You, Grandma B!!!

Dear Grandma, I was having a rough afternoon and mama couldn’t figure out what I wanted, why I was crying, and how to help. Then the mail came and with it my birthday present. You may think it was late; but I think it was perfect timing. God...

Further Thoughts on Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Social networking seems to have been the topic of the week last week. Danielle Bean dropped the gauntlet, asking, what people thought of an article that asked, “What is Social Networking Doing to Our Brains?” and quite a few bloggers...

Sunny Sophia

A collection of photos I took of Sophia the other day. Such a happy girl!

