
Archive: March 2009

Because I can’t get enough of my crocuses

Here are more pictures I snapped on Sunday. I can’t believe how many crocuses we have and still more are pushing up through the leaves and mulch. A few have even escaped the bed and are coming up in the lawn. (I will not be posting the video...

Nature Journal: Birdwatching

I paused at the back door on my way to put the roast into the oven when I noticed a flock of robins hopping about in the yard. Eight of them in their cheery red waistcoats pecking at bugs and pulling up worms—another of those things I’d...

The Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord

Virgin of the Annunciation by Carlo Crivelli, Altarpiece from San Silvestro in Massa Fermana 1468 The Word of God became flesh and made his dwelling among us; and we saw his glory This morning I put together a Marian playlist, grabbing all the...

The Drowning Man

We all were warned, each of us, you too. As parents, my wife and I told our boys, and Barack and Michelle most likely have told their girls. All kids lucky enough to grow up and become parents will warn their young if they have even the slightest...

Don’t Wake the Sleeping Baby

Poor Sophia. Saturday and yesterday she did all her napping in the car. Today, not too surprisingly, she was cranky and tired. This morning as I was vacuuming the house, I popped her on the couch, one of her favorite places to play. As I dashed back...

Impromptu Saturday

As new homeowners we are very excitedly planning out all our yard and garden projects now that spring is here. Even though it was only in the 30s today, it was sunny and we felt compelled to make a trip to our local nursery to pick up some potting...

March Sunset

I snapped this photo yesterday evening while Bella was outside playing after her nap. One of the things I love about spring is her going outside after nap.


I have not had a haircut, not even a trim, since just before Bella was born. It’s been almost exactly three years! My hair was so long it was very hard to brush and care for. I decided it was time. Before. After. I will be sending the braid...

The Week in Photos

We’re still enjoying the finger puppets from Sophie’s birthday: skunk, ostrich, raccoon, owl, hedgehog. Sophie fell asleep on the way home from the post office. Who can resist a sleeping baby? Sophie still hates baths. Her favorite part...

