I Get a Kick Out of You

I Get a Kick Out of You

Last night was a toughie. I woke up at five to Bene’s crying. When I stood up to change his diaper, I felt so very, very sore. “I feel like someone’s been punching my belly,” told Dom. I took a prescription-strength ibuprofen and lay back down and reluctantly let him latch on.Oh I was sore and didn’t want to nurse him. A minute later I learned why I was so sore, he started to kick me, little legs banging right where it hurt. “Oh, that’s why I feel like someone’s been kicking me in the stomach! Someone has.” I tried to rearrange him, putting a pillow between his legs and my belly. After he was done nursing he refused to fall asleep. I was in tears. Fortunately my wonderful husband got up and rocked him to sleep in the office and let me get a bit more rest.

I’ve been having these tender areas on my abdomen, about a hand’s width above my incision, very localized on either the right or left side. I thought they were due to strain or the girls being too rough. Poor innocent girls. Now I’m thinking I may have to rethink this co-sleeping business. I mainly do it so I can sleep better; but I can’t get good rest if I’m being kicked black and blue.

Which reminds me… yes, we have a bassinet/co-sleeper; but does anyone really slide the sleeping baby into it when done nursing? Cause what happens to me is the baby finishes nursing and falls asleep sometime after I fall asleep. I wake up when he starts squirming as he fills his diaper. I pop him in the bassinet when I need to run to the bathroom or while I’m doing other quick things. But very rarely does he actually sleep in it while I’m sleeping.

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