Bella and Sophie

Bella and Sophie

Saturday Dom got the high chair out of the shed. It seems like Ben is getting to about that age where he might sit in it. It might even be a way to keep him occupied at dinner so I can eat something without him trying to pull my plate off the table.

Sophie saw the high chair and immediately demanded that Dom lift her up so she could sit in it. She contentedly sat in the high chair for more than an hour. Even demanded that Dom strap her in. It was cute but a little disarming. After all we retired the high chair last year when she refused to sit in it for any length of time. And unfortunately she hasn’t been thrilled to let Ben sit in it.

*    *    *

Bella brought me a pile of papers that she had colored on and told me that they were “notices” that she and Sophie had made and I could have one if I desired. I have no idea where she learned the word “notices.” They were really pretty though.

*    *    *

Last night at her fourth (or was it the fifth) time out of bed, her second trip to the bathroom, Bella asked Dom if she could “finish reading my story about the oceans” (an article in Popular Mechanics that he’s been reading to her). He said, “No not tonight.” She asked then if she could read it “Tomorrow before nap if I eat all my lunch?”

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  • Penderwicks was on the Texas Bluebonnet list last year, I think.  And as a mother with 2 boys, I have to say, all I could think was “Girl Book!”  Sure enough, when my then 5th grader had to choose a book to read, he couldn’t stay far enough away from that one.  Somehow I couldn’t really enjoy it on its own because I kept thinking “There’s no way a 10 year old boy will read this…”  I just mention that now that you are going to be going down that road too someday —My advice to you is to read him Little House early, before it joins the list of books that are too girly. smile

  • Funny how our knowledge of our children can color the books we read.

    Indeed, Ben will probably get his doses of Little House pretty early—listening along while I read to Isabella and Sophia. I’m thinking having two older sisters might do a little bit to ease his way into good stories for their own sake.

