Seeing Double

Seeing Double

Coming up in August are my birthday and our wedding anniversary. Grandparents on both sides had the same idea for a suitable present: a new camera. We received two cameras of the exact same model this week.

I guess they were afraid that there would be no more pictures of Bella and Sophie since Dom recently had to return the camera he borrowed from a colleague after ours broke in May.

Never fear. Now we’ve got a camera and a spare. There will be pictures. Oh there will be pictures.

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  • I remember not eating avocados for years with a similar incident when I was 8. Glad i’m all over that now!!

  • I was looking and looking at the picture, trying to find the maggots!  Then I finished reading the post…silly me!

    My former boss said she had an incident with lasagna when she was pregnant, and hadn’t eaten it in 20 years!  Glad you got over your aversion quicker than that!

