
Archive: April 2007

The tragedy of a meaningless life

“Millions all around us are living the tragedy of meaningless life, the “life” of spiritual death. That is what makes our society most radically different from every society in history: not that it can fly to the moon, enfranchise...

Poetry Friday

Sea Fever by John Masefield I must go down to the sea again, to the lonely sea and the sky, And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by; And the wheel’s kick and the wind’s song and the white sail’s shaking, And a grey...

Good News

My doctor’s office just called. The test results were fine. No cancer found. Thanks be to God! Thank you again to all of you who have been praying for us. Update: Kelly Clark just reminded me, of what I should have added originally: Please...

Received in the Mail Yesterday

In This House of Brede by Rumer Godden. I’ve seen it recommended so many times on various Catholic blogs, I finally got curious. Found a copy on Book Mooch and it arrived yesterday. I’m going to try something new with this one, I’m...

Poetic Narration

Another great idea from Higher Up and Further In. I love the way Linda Fay writes about homeschooling lesson plans and curricula, she makes them seem so easy and attractive. File this under cool homeschooling ideas I’d like to implement...

Bella is 11 months today

I can’t believe that in just a month she’ll have been with us a whole year. That both seems far too long and far too short. It seems like it was just yesterday that I held her for the first time in the hospital and it seems like...

Wooden blocks

Browsing around the internet the other day, I found these beautiful handmade wooden blocks. Aren’t they gorgeous? I am smitten with block envy. I love wooden blocks. Perhaps my favorite toy when I was little was a set of wooden blocks. I...

Because I love book lists…

Check out Thirty Books That Every College Student Should Read. My list would be a bit different, of course. But I think this one is pretty good. Of course, I must now confess to not having read several books on the list. I’m going to go hang...

Book Review: Eifelheim

When I read the review of a new science fiction novel,Eifelheim, that was excerpted by Julie D, I was hooked. The book review from Claw of the Conciliator made the novel sound almost too good to be true: What if the first contact between humanity...

