

Bella and the Rocking Horse

I took this short video a while back, I think at the time I was taking pictures of my new glider. Finally got it downloaded from the camera and online. Isabella had just figured out how to climb aboard her rocking horse all by herself. With the new...

Repetition and Faith

I found this story from Kathleen Norris posted at Wittingshire and wanted to remember it. Also, thought maybe someone else might like it too. Excerpt: Worship itself thus became the major instrument of my conversion…. I recently read an...

Meet the New Baby

Our first glimpse of what we think is Bella’s younger sister, Sophia Therese. The ultrasound tech couldn’t be certain, this very active baby might be Benedict Joseph. Either way, we’re extremely happy to see our little darling is a...

On Indulgences

Hisorical Christian has a wonderfully detailed blog post that answers a Protestant’s questions on indulgences. She also explains the Church’s teachings on confession and purgatory. This is an excellent primer for any Catholic who is a...

Authorial Responsibilty

Here’s a question I keep bumping up against, especially in Harry Potter discussions I’ve had online: What moral responsibility, if any, does an author of children’s books have toward her audience? I maintain that writing for...

The Our Father for Children

My homeschooling sister-in-law is discussing the Our Father with her first grader this week and asked for some kind of line by line explanation. So I wrote out some thoughts for her, based on what I remember from the various times I’ve studied...

The Joys of Cousins

Yesterday we went to a family party for my niece Catherine who will be five tomorrow and my nephew Peter who will be 15 on Wednesday. As usual it was a lot of fun. Dom has a great big loud Italian family and they know how to load a table with good...

Scrapes and Other Adventures

Poor Bella. We went out for a walk this morning and she tripped int he driveway while I was getting the stroller out of the car and fell right on her forehead. She screamed loudly as I scooped her up and headed back into the house for some first aid...

