
Archive: December 2008

A Simple Advent

We’re all feeling a bit blue because so many houses seem all lit up for Christmas while we’ve not done anything except hang a wreath on the front door. Dom really has his heart set on lighting up the house and being festive. But with the...

Moment of Mom Panic

I was happily reading some of my favorite blogs while Sophie played on the floor at my feet when I looked up and saw to my horror that her face was bloody red. I jumped up, wondering why she hadn’t screamed. Closer inspection revealed...

Been There, Done That

Via The Bookworm. Fun meme and not unduly taxing. 1. Started your own blog 2. Slept under the stars 3. Played in a band 4. Visited Hawaii 5. Watched a meteor shower 6. Given more than you can afford to charity 7. Been to Disneyland (whenI was two or...


Not sure what is putting Sophia out of sorts today. Three times I’ve tried to put her down for a nap to no avail. Tired though she is, she just cries and cries. I wonder if she’s teething again. But I’m sure tired and wish I could...

In Which Bella Gets into a Tight Place

I was putting away Sophia’s clean clothes when Bella started whining and then crying, “I’m stuck! I’m stuck!” I turned around to find that she had stuffed Pooh, Eeyore, and Kanga into her trash bin and then somehow...

Food Notes

Funny that I feel an urge to write about food when I’m also fighting the queasies; but there it is. I’m a bundle of contradictions. Dom had a work function yesterday afternoon and evening, leaving me with the girls and my headachy sister...

Taste Test

Last night while I was dressing Sophia after her bath, I sent Isabella to fetch the lotion that had been left in the living room. She cheerfully ran off to perform the errand and returned shortly carrying the large bottle: “Lotion...

7 Quick Takes Friday

—1— The best thing about having my sister living with us is having her call to say she’s leaving work and can she pick up anything on the way home. I love, love, love that she will run some of my more bothersome errands for me. On...

Recently Read

I’m giving in and admitting to myself that I’m not going to write the elaborate reviews I want to write. So here are some brief notes for some of my recent reads. The Grail Code: Quest for the Real Presence This is the Arthurian/Grail...

