A Simple Advent

A Simple Advent

We’re all feeling a bit blue because so many houses seem all lit up for Christmas while we’ve not done anything except hang a wreath on the front door. Dom really has his heart set on lighting up the house and being festive. But with the move and my feeling under the weather, it just hasn’t happened. At least Bella has the fun of looking out the window at the houses across the street and exclaiming about their lights.

Still, we are marking the season. Bella is really getting into the Advent wreath. She’s never been eager to sit down for dinner, but now she comes running when we tell her we’re going to light the candles. And I found some little LED tea lights at Home Depot and lined them up on the window sill. Bella has made it into her nightly task to go and push all the buttons and “turn on the candles.”

I’ve also pulled out the Christmas books and we’ve been reading some of them nightly. More about those in another post, though.

Dom got down the nativity set from the attic tonight. I set it up and then started doing this activity. I don’t have a very good Christmas story book. The one I have, published by the Metropolitan Museum of Art, I bought for the beautiful pictures; but it is far too wordy for Bella, not to mention the heavy KJV style. But Bella loved holding the figures, especially “my Baby Jesus.” And I think we’ll eventually get the story down. If not this year, then next.

Hopefully this weekend we’ll be able to get a tree and decorate it. Though a big snowstorm is supposed to hit on Friday. We may be hunkering down on Saturday. In that case, we’ll just do our best with the decorations in the box.

And of course Christmas carols playing from the stereo go a long way in helping to make me feel cheery. Even Bella has got into the swing, getting very excited about “singing Christmas.” If only I could figure out how to modify the play list.

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