Advent is Over, I Know

Advent is Over, I Know

But I just had to post this great picture of Bella with the Advent wreath I took last night. (We had to replace a couple of the purple candles, Dom was afraid they were becoming a fire hazard.)


“Candles! Candles!”

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    It’s the video of Jessye Norman singing a carol composed for her by Donald Fraser – We just heard it on radio and it was so beautiful I had to share! I hope you’ll like it, too. Merry Christmas! G.

    This Christmastide (Jessye’s Carol)

    Green and silver, red and gold
    And a story born of old.

    Truth and love and hope abide,
    This Christmastide, this Christmastide.

    Holly, ivy, mistletoe
    And the gently falling snow.

    From a simple ox�s stall
    Came the greatest gift of all.

    Children sing of peace and joy
    At the birth of one small boy.

    Let the bells ring loud and clear,
    Ring out now for all to hear.

    Trumpets sound and voices raise
    In an endless stream of praise.

    Green and silver, red and gold
    And a story born of old.

