Bella’s favorite perch

Bella’s favorite perch


I love the fact that in our new place the windows are so much lower. Bella can actually stand at them and peek outside. I put her little chair in front of the window in the dining room to facilitate her people gazing. One nice thing about being on a busy corner with the ice-cream shop just across the street is there’s plenty for her to watch.

There are always people stopping for treats, people just walking their dogs or taking the kids down for a scoop. There are people riding bikes and plenty of cars and delivery trucks. It’s constant entertainment. And free.

This afternoon while we were outside in the yard the owner of the shop stopped to chat. And my friend, Paul, who was driving by in his cab stopped to say hi too. We frequently see the nice girls who live upstairs. It’s a pretty happening place. Which is great for my little extrovert.





Of course, she falls out of the chair about once a day. But she’ll learn eventually. Meanwhile, I let her push it around, climb up on it, and try to discourage her from standing up on it except when I’m taking cute pictures.

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