Food Recognition

Food Recognition

Isabella has a first word: “yummy-yummy”. (She says mama and dada but it isn’t always clear that she distinguishes those sounds as words.) But yummy-yummy, also pronounced “yumMay-yumMay” clearly means that she’s hungry.

She attaches it especially to a few favorite foods: bananas, cheerios, and frozen peas. Yes, frozen peas, not re-heated but still ice-cold. As soon as I open the freezer: “Yummay yummay,” she cries.

Which brings me to the hilarious incident at the grocery store the other day. We were walking down the frozen food aisles and evidently Bella recognized the frozen peas bags: “Yummay-yummay,” she said. Oh great, thought I, she’s going to want to be fed. But she was content to hold the bag of frozen mixed veggies and smiled cutely at the woman who stopped to admire her pink Red Sox outfit.

Then she tried to stand up while I was putting the groceries into the cart, but that’s another story.

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