Finally! Toes

Finally! Toes

Bella’s new discovery.

Recently she found her toes. She can spend an hour grabbing them with her hands. But she could not get them into her mouth. She knew it was possible, because I’d put them into her mouth while playing with her. But she just could not get them up high enough.

Well, now she’s solved that problem. If Mohammed can’t get to the mountain, the mountain will have to go to Mohammed. She is now leaning forward in her rocking chair until she can plant her mouth on her toes.

It’s a good thing she was strapped in or she’d have fallen head first onto the tile floor in the kitchen. Long gone are the days when we could just plop her down in the seat, confident she’d stay put.

Bella’s triumph: very wet toes.

Unfortunately she hasn’t quite got the hang of sitting back up on her own. She’s done it a few times, but I think mostly by accident.

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  • Unrelated comment but I wanted to say that I am so pleased to have found you again. This is Owen of luminousmiseries and onionboy. My poetry site was picked up by a South African Catholic web portal where, lo and behold, was a link to your site. Wonderful thing this Internet.


  • Owen, Glad to see you too.  I’ve lost track of you in recent days. And been a bit sidetracked as well. Belated congrats to you and your family and welcome to the Catholic family.

    And I must admit I’m quite curious about the South Arfican web portal. I have readers in Africa?

