

No Biting!

Unfortunately in the past few weeks since she’s got in her first four teeth, Bella has also developed a bad habit: biting me while nursing. In the past couple of days as she’s been getting in another tooth, it’s been especially bad...

Book Review: Ysabel

I absolutely love the works of Guy Gavriel Kay. Quite possibly the best fantasy writer after Tolkien. (Which is probably no mere coincidence as Kay helped Christopher Tolkien edit the Silmarillion.) My favorite Kay novel is probably Tigana; but so...

Gifts of the Spirit

The gift of understanding shows us the riches of the Faith with greater clarity. The gift of knowledge enables us to judge created things in an upright manner, and to keep our heart fixed on god, and on things insofar as they lead us to him The gift...

Happy Birthday, Isabella!

I can’t believe it’s already been a whole year since that wonderful day when I first beheld you face to face. For nine months I’d loved and cherished you with a longing. I’d lie in bed and try to imagine your face, your...

“Be Not Afraid”

Leticia, blogging at Cause of our joy linked to my entry “A Lesson in Motherhood,” and included her comments, which are worth reading.  She also links to the website of a wonderful online ministry, Be Not Afraid, founded by Catholic...

Bella Updates

Poor Bella woke up early today and in a very bad mood. Later, I discerned that another tooth is pushing its way in, her top right canine. I administered some analgesic drops and a frozen spear of broccoli and all was much better. Bella doesn’t...

A Lesson in Motherhood

This essay from the New York Times (free registration required) really captured the essence of motherhood. It’s the story of an infertile couple who goes to China to adopt a daughter. After they’ve finally welcomed their little girl...

Please Pray

Radical Catholic Mom has had a miscarriage.

Please pray for RCM and for her husband and for all parents who have lost children.

I just found this lovely miscarriage prayer here.

Bella’s Birthday Party

I had a very full and enjoyable Mother’s Day. Spent, fittingly enough, celebrating the anniversary of my daughter’s birth (Isabella will be turning one on Friday.) Yesterday the clan had a combined party for Bella and two of her cousins...

