

In the Yard

On a hot, 90-something degree afternoon in late June Isabella just had to go outside to play. Fortunately, our new house has a nice, big yard for her to roam in. And a nice, big, shady tree for mama to sit under. Bella’s favorite occupations:...

Bella moods

Sweet: When Bella wakes up screaming and I go to get her. And she continues screaming as I pick her up. But then as I turn, she sees the San Damiano crucifix I just hung over her crib and points at it. (Did I mention her new thing is pointing?) and...

Bella’s favorite perch

I love the fact that in our new place the windows are so much lower. Bella can actually stand at them and peek outside. I put her little chair in front of the window in the dining room to facilitate her people gazing. One nice thing about being on a...

Because it’s bugging me

I hate it when people leave comments in blog posts that are off the main topic. But that rule is warring with the angst I feel when people get history wrong. So, rather than leave an inappropriate comment, I’ll just write about it on my own...

Who’s Da Momma?

Dom found this very, very, laugh-out-loud, be-sure-you aren’t-drinking-any-milk-because-you-might-spray-your-computer-screen, funny blog. For example, there’s the flower girl story. I don’t remember when I’ve laughed so much...

Sleeping Bella

Because sometimes, as a parent, you just have to take pictures of your adorable sleeping baby. Who isn’t such a baby anymore. Look at her there in her front-facing, big-girl car seat! Bella with the strap of her sun hat in her face...

An Unfortunate Discovery

On the enthusiastic recommendation of a good friend, I’ve read the first two books of Lemony Snickett’s Series of Unfortunate Events and, while I found them amusing, didn’t see what all the fuss was about. After reading this...

