Learning Notes Thanksgiving Week (Week of November 19)

Learning Notes Thanksgiving Week (Week of November 19)


Monday November 19

Bella: read first chapter of the book of Genesis and Psalm 117, composition

Sophie: copywork, French (Duolingo)

Ben: math, copywork, Explode the Code, Little Bear ( begin Little Bear’s Wish)

Anthony: math, copywork (Basilisk poem from Dragons Dragons)

Lucy: copywork (Sheep in a Jeep)

Afternoon stories: Doll’s House, St Peter Claver, Around the World in 100 Years (had to have a long discussion to correct the bizarre anti-Christian bias, which included a lot of inaccuracies— e.g. medieval Christians weren’t anti-learning, they founded the first universities.) Secrets of the Universe (about hydrodynamics. Did a demonstration about water pressure poking holes in a milk jug), lectionary readings— discussion about Book of Revelation and Gospel of the blind man.

Bedtime story: Annie and the Wild Animals

Bella: WWI trench
Bella WWI soldiers
Alien lander

Tuesday November 20

Bella: math, read and narrated George Washington’s World

Sophie: copywork

Ben: Dr appointment

Anthony: math and copywork

Afternoon stories: Doll’s House, St Peter Claver, North with the Spring, Around the World in 100 Year, Secrets of the Universe (more about hydrodynamics), lectionary readings— discussion about Book of Revelation and Gospel of Zacchaeus.

Bedtime story: finished Canadian Summer.

Water pressure demonstration.
Water pressure demonstration.

We took Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday as Thanksgiving holiday. We cooked and cleaned and feasted and recovered from feasting.

Setting the boundaries of their empires.

Littlest Queen
Very proud of her braids.
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