
Archive: July 2011

Independence Day in Photos

Ben fell asleep soon after we got to my brother-in-law’s house yesterday afternoon. It was his nap time. Unfortunately, he woke up when we tried to move him to the couch. He didn’t go back to sleep, he didn’t eat anything. He...

A Walk at World’s End

Dom put together this short video of our visit to World’s End yesterday. Sadly, much of his footage was lost so he had to fill in with stills. Still, you get the accurate picture of me as the iPhone-wielding, baby-wearing mama that I am. I...

ADD Physiology and Heredity

More reading notes from Scattered:  How Attention Deficit Disorder Originates And What You Can Do About It by Gabor Mate M.D. In a comment on my previous post, Distractability and Tuning Out, Kris wrote: And I think it might follow that there...

Backyard Blooms and Bugs

An unidentified purple flower the first to bloom from the butterfly-friendly wildflower seed mix the girls and I planted this spring. One of the only gardening projects we actually completed. (Updated: Bachelor’s Buttons. Thanks, Jenn!)...

World’s End

I’ve been wanting to have a picnic at World’s End since we first visited last year. Finally, today we made it happen. It wasn’t terribly well planned and in fact was rather slap-dash. But sometimes you’ve just got to go with...

7 Quick Takes

1. At bedtime tonight Ben draped his blankie over his head like a hood and announced: “I guardian angel.” Melt my heart! 2. After that he pulled it down over his face and was running around bumping into stuff. Such a boy! 3. He insisted...

