
Archive: March 2005

last supper—transcript of IM chat

Terri says: I love the last supper, but pictures of it are usually so boring. Why is it there are so few really amazing pictures of it? Just because people are struggling to get everyong into the picture, so its too crowded? Thirteen people gathered...

The news

I suppose I should officially record, for posterity or something, my thoughts on being engaged. But the fact is everyone who reads this already knows the facts. And as for what I think or feel, I don’t think I can adequately capture that...

happy thoughts

Peggy Noonan said it much better than I could, but this is a news story that makes me smile.
And I really like her title with its reference to Flannery O’Connor. Since I’m on an O’Connor kick right now.

random latenightness

Don’t really have anything to say, but don’t want to go to sleep. Too much caffeine too late at night. Thoughts bouncing around in my head like a pinball machine… ding, ding, ding, TILT… But I can’t remember what it was...

Good vs. Evil

judging from the mainstream media, Hollywood, and my college freshmen, in contemporary American culture “good” usually means “whatever makes me feel pleasure” and bad “whatever is unpleasant.” Very few people feel...

On testing and education

one the one hand I am glad more emphasis is being put on writing and if this gets more teachers to take writing seriously that would be a good thing. However, the article itself points out many of my reservations: many teachers will be tempted to...

links for humanities

At Fordham University: Modern History Sourcebook, links to lots of historical documents. Some outlines on major themes, ideas.


The same old problem: I realize after a student has left I’ve been doing too much talking and not enough listening. Sometimes it’s shy studentes who are afraid to be in control: tell me how to fix it, tell me what you want. And they are...

