

Praying Always

Isabella’s new favorite game is to bring me the holy water bottle and then stand there looking very insistent until I open it up and help her to bless herself and then I pray an Our Father or a Hail Mary with her. A little child shall lead...

Take a Photo of this Moment

I open the fridge to get a snack and Isabella shows up as if by magic. She starts to grab food, a bunch of mini-grapes and the bowl of cottage cheese left over from her breakfast, flipping out the spoon I’d left in it and spilling cottage...

Cracking the Dawn

We’ve been wondering why Isabella keeps waking up crying at 5:45 every morning, except on the weekends. I’ve finally got a theory: the upstairs neighbor leaves for work at 5:45. Isabella’s crib stands against the outside wall...

Trip to the Mall

I don’t go to the mall often. Don’t really like to do so. But it rained all morning and then the sun came out and it got hot and muggy. We needed an outing and the mall is close and we could visit the chapel and I could pick up a new...

seafood gumbo

I’ve been craving spicy foods during this pregnancy. Today it was seafood gumbo that I absolutely had to have. Fortunately, I’ve come up with a great recipe by combining three different ones I found online and adding a few of my own...

My Birthday

Thursday was my birthday and I’m only now getting around to writing about it. It was a very nice day, if low key. Then again, low-key is about all I can handle these days. It started off with a nice treat: Isabella let me sleep in until 6:30...

Early to Rise?

In her book, A Mother’s Rule of Life (which I haven’t finished reading yet), Holly Pierlot suggests that a mother wake up before her children and use that time for prayer and spiritual reading. For me that was a huge sticking point when...

The Karate Kid Strikes Again

Isabella just caught a fly with her fingers. It has been buzzing around the house for the last few days and I think was about ready to die anyway. Just before she caught it, it was buzzing against the window pane (the noise attracted her attention)...

