
Archive: February 2011

We’re on a Pilgrimage Not a Vacation

On Sunday Father Matt began his homily by holding up a GPS. Held it in his right hand while his left clutched the book of the Gospels. He began by asking the children what the GPS was, what it’s used for. He pointed out that it can only get us...

Lost in the Shuffle?

For a while now I’ve been thinking about how Bella seems to get overlooked or pushed to the side more often than Ben or Sophie. Maybe it’s inevitable that in any family with more than two children parents will feel that they are not able...

January Book Notes

One of my—I hate to call it a new year’s resolution; but can’t think of a better word—anyway one of the things I want to be more intentional about this year is tracking my reading in a more systematic way. I want to at least...

