

Till We Have Faces

Just finished reading, or rather re-reading, this book, at my sister’s prompting. Though I originally read it quite some time ago and didn’t understand it at all. Not really sure I completely get it now, either; but I did get more out of...

Refreshingly Green

[This is my second attempt as my first was eaten when my browser crashed. Thus the choppiness, for which I apologize. The second attempt is never as good as the first, one is always trying to remember that which is lost and those bits of memory...

Around the house

Bella’s pushing the vacuum cleaner back and forth in the dining room. Mama’s little helper. Of course, if it were on, that would be a different story. She screams when I turn on the vacuum. Or the food processor, or the blender, or the...

Fonda San Miguel

I was a little surprised to see one of my family’s favorite Austin, Texas restaurants, Fonda San Miguel, mentioned in a headline in our local Salem paper. San Miguel’s is a local place with only one location, not a chain. So how are they...

more post-apocalyptic books

1. I just finished reading S.M Stirling’s A Meeting at Corvallis, the third book in his Changeverse series, and in my opinion the best in the trilogy. Dies the Fire is dark, rather bleak because it’s about the death of civilization. The...

Slow Posting

I’m definitely getting the pregnancy sleepies. I’ve been crawling into bed at 9 or 10 and sleeping in as late as Bella (and Dom) will let me. And trying to sneak in a nap or two if possible. I’m planning some posts about books and...

The Sneeze

Isabella has a habit of sneezing while eating. Sometimes I think she does it deliberately, waiting until she has a mouthful of food so she can propel it all over me. How it got all over her face, though, I don’t know. This picture was taken...

Bella at play

Yesterday she somehow managed to tip over her new toy basket and was happily going through the toys one at a time and spreading them all over the living room. (I’ll post a picture of that soon as I can.) Today she’s got hold of an...

I know what she means

The Anchoress confesses that when she can’t sleep she drools over beautiful saris. When I was in college, my friend Stephanie had a gorgeous sari, I think a relative had brought it back from India or something. She never wore it, but had it...

