

More Photoblogging

I’m on a roll today. Extreme closeup in mommy’s lap. I love her more with each new day. Though I’m still not sure how that is possible. Every day I look at her and marvel at the miracle of her life, at the miracle of love. Truly...

“Still Life with Cheerios”

The flowers (and a mass card) were sent by the Dolans, our upstairs neighbors/landlords. A very nice Irish family who have looked out for me since I moved to Salem.  Yes, the kitchen table is almost always that messy; but the flowers sure...

Happy First Day of Spring!!!

I just saw my first robin of the year on the fence outside the dining room window. Unfortunately, he was the only sign of spring. The ground is still covered in snow from Friday’s storm. I think I saw a snowdrop last week, but it’s...

Sermon for Lent

    In the Old Testament we read that at the time of Noah, since the entire human race was corrupt and full of lawlessness, the floodgates of the sky were opened and for forty days heavy rain poured down on the earth; symbolically, the...

She likes it!

Broccoli, that is. I gave Bella some leftover broccoli at lunch, thinking it would be automatically ejected, and was surprised that she ate one piece after another after another. That’s my girl. In the Scott household, broccoli is a holiday...

On Prayer

I really liked this passage from a larger meditation on prayer, Pray without ceasing: a daily plan of attack. . . . mental prayer is the goal. Vocal prayer is the training ground, the springboard which is meant to take us deeper into the realm of...

more prayers

an email forward from my sister-in-law: Blessed be the name of Joseph Henceforth and for ever. Amen.      Happy Feast of ST.JOSEPH ST.JOSEPH He was a just man; that means a holy man. He gave to God what belonged to Him and to the...

