

Bringing Young Children to Mass

It’s a perennial topic on Catholic websites and this week Danielle Bean addressed it again here. So in a different way did Dom here and here. Both conversations are worth reading. But today I found this blog entry at Historical Christian that...

Remember the Little Things

Before we moved I would frequently wake to hear Bella chattering away to herself in her room, contentedly playing, happily absorbed. Since we’ve moved. Maybe once or twice. Generally she wakes up screaming and doesn’t stop until I pick...

Bedroom Window, Barefoot Girl

The baseboard in her room has molding, so she can’t stand on it like she does in the kitchen. But Bella has her ways. When she first started doing this, I was afraid she’d slip off and dragged my wooden nursing stool over there for her...

It’s a Gas

Having put Bella down for her morning nap, I was just starting to watch Miss Potter, and had just got through the almost half-hour of previews and was about ten minutes into the film, when a loud jackhammer started just outside the living room...

My Glider

Bella loves the new glider. I’ve been meaning to post pictures of the glider rocker my parents gave me for my birthday. But Bella’s room was a mess and I couldn’t bear to take photos until it was cleaned. Yesterday I had a sudden...

An Afternoon with Billy Collins

This afternoon Bella just had to go outside. She stood at the door whining, frantic, like a just-trained puppy. So I grabbed a bottle of water, my shoes and a jacket (Yes, I needed a jacket. In August. New England is so weird.) and out we went. I...

A Mother’s Prayer Time

Karen Edmisten has an inspiring article up on her blog about prayer and motherhood: As mothers, we often find it difficult to keep our prayer lives strong because of the unpredictability of our days. If we remember a simple guideline, both our...

Various and Sundry Things

Isabella didn’t wake up until 7. Very nice. I woke up at about 5:30 and dozed lightly until then. But at least I didn’t have to get up. She was hungry this morning. Very hungry. She devoured a couple small bowls of Cheerios while I...

Life of Pi

I just finished reading this the other day and loved it, which was a surprise. I don’t know why but I have a deep, ingrained suspicion of anything that’s been on the bestseller lists and won lots of prizes. It sends up all kinds of red...

Picnic with Bella

We’re finally getting around to downloading some old videos off the camera and this was so cute I just had to share. Back in May we took advantage of one of the first nice days of spring and had a little family outing, a picnic at the park. Of...

