

All Souls Day

I took so many photos the other day in the cemetery that I decided to make a slide show. I had the perfect piece of music in mind from an album I love called Celtic Requiem. It was only after I’d started assembling the pictures and viewed a...

Ultrasound tonight

22 weeks and all is well. The ultrasound tech said she’s 99% certain we’re having a girl. I am 100% certain that this is a beautiful baby: Sophia Therese sucking her thumb. Isn’t that adorable! It was really nice to have my dad...

Walking in St. Mary’s Cemetery

Isabella and I went for a lovely walk this morning in the enormous Catholic cemetery that is just down the street from our house. We had walked down there a few times right right after we moved in this June; but never ventured very far in. Soon the...

Prayer Request

Please pray for my mother-in-law, Virginia. She’s suffering from shingles and is in severe pain. I don’t mind some pain but this gets up to a “9” in a run of 0-10 and it is hard to function. . . . I offer it up too but I...

Comforting Isabella

O, my prophetic soul! No sooner had I written about my inability to protect Isabella from the slings and arrows of this fallen world than she falls and receives the worst cut she’s yet had. No, it wasn’t a major injury. No stitches...

Predictions about the future

This afternoon Dom was reading me this list of Top 87 Bad Predictions about the Future, some of which are laughably funny. But some of them got me thinking. The predictions seem so off-base from our perspective; but made sense given what people knew...

Bedtime Woes

Tonight was the third night in a row she’s cried herself to sleep. She kept hitting at her jaw with her fist. Is it teething woes? She had her fingers in her mouth most of today and drool down to her elbow at mass this morning. Or could it be...

