
Melanie Bettinelli

The Shelton with Sunspots

The Shelton with Sunspots by Georgia O’Keeffe Like a bride bedecked with her jewels she arises With the sun as her diadem, soars into the skies, Clouds as her veil, face obscured by the radiance That shines through her dark solidity As if it...

Rustling in the Wind: the Vocation of the Artist

Melissa Wiley has a beautiful post about about giving your creative self time to play: . . . fields everywhere invite you into them: Twyla Tharp would say: you must make a pledge to the third self. Promise her time on the throne. Mary Oliver says...

Black Door with Snow

Black Door with Snow by Georgia O’ Keeffe Blank and bare, black and white and adobe brown, baked brick remembers summer’s heat but gives nothing away. The snow whispers  its own story and soon will be gone. It lines the steps, hushes against...

Solstice, 2020— Grace Notes at the Closing of the Year

Evening comes early on this solstice day. The sky lies under a heavy veil, but it is unseasonably warm and wet. We likely won’t see the marvelous conjunction, Jupiter and Saturn meeting once in 400 years.  The parking lot is bare of snow, puddled in...

The River and the Source by Margaret Ogala

The River and the Source is available for only $8.99 on Kindle–I got it out from interlibrary loan. I loved this story about four generations of a family in Kenya. It begins with the birth of a girl, Akoko Obanda, the daughter of a chief who...

Desire for the Vision of God

detail Presentation in the Temple by Rembrandt From the Office of Readings on Friday This was exactly what I needed to read. And fits so well with my recent thoughts about icons and God’s face… but it was a little long to include in that...

An Icon of the Face of God

Saint John Damascene and St Cosmas from The Menologion of Basil II Saint John of Damascus lived during the time of the iconoclasm controversy when the Emperor banned the veneration of icons. John wrote three treatises defending the practice of...

To Open the Doors of Hope

Advent’s intention is to awaken the most profound and basic emotional memory within us, namely, the memory of the God who became a child. This is a healing memory; it brings hope. The purpose of the Church’s year is continually to run through her...

To new beginnings

It’s been pretty quiet around here. Fallow season, I guess. Things germinating below the surface while very little writing gets done. At least not here. Two weeks ago I had surgery, a hernia repair. Recovery is going very well, but I’ve...

