
Melanie Bettinelli

Feast of St Augustine

I can’t let today go by without posting my favorite passage: Late have I loved Thee, O Beauty so ancient and so new, late have I loved Thee! And behold, Thou wert within and I was without. I was loking for Thee out there, and I threw myself...

Scary Toys

When we were young my brothers had this toy tank that made noises. It had one that sorta sounded like a machine gun, another like an explosion. Which is annoying enough. I hate toys that make noise. But this toy creeped us out because it had no...

Painting Summer in New England

Dom already beat me to blogging about Tuesday’s trip to the museum. Seems like that happens quite a bit. I don’t write about a lot of the fun stuff we do, because by the time I get around to it, he’s already written something. And...

cool website

Dom pointed me to Etsy, an e-Bay like site devoted to crafts and handmade goods. Browsing through the quilts section I noticed that many of the sellers were selling at very low prices. Some great deals here, I’d almost feel guilty buying them...

quote of the day

“The intellectual life is not the only road to God, nor the safest, but we find it to be a road, and it may be the appointed road for us.” —C. S. Lewis “Learning in Wartime” (in Weight of Glory). hat tip to Fr. James V...

Aphorisms from Aquinas

� Everything evil is rooted in some good, and everything false in some truth. � However much evil is multiplied, it is never able completely to swallow good. � Good can be realized in purer form than evil. For there is some good in which no evil is...

Bella’s first music video

At last, the footage of Bella’s first Exersaucer experience.

When I tested this out, Bella started singing along. Evidently she approves of Daddy’s choice of a theme song.

seen on a bumper sticker

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”
Ugh. Dualism. False dichotomy. In fact we are both bodies and souls, both physical and spiritual beings.

another fine quote

Apart from the cross there is no other ladder by which we may get to heaven.
—St Rose of Lima
My patron saint, chosen at confirmation.
Hat tip to Curt Jester, Jeff Miller.

