Congratulations, Tim and Amber!

Congratulations, Tim and Amber!

Me and my little brother, Tim, on my wedding day. I’ll bet his smile’s even bigger now than it was on that day. I’m afraid I don’t have a picture of Tim and Amber. Or rather I do have one from when they visited in February; but it’s only the back of her head. Oops, I’m not sure how that happened. I’ll update with a picture of the happy couple as soon as I get one from my mom.

I’ve been sitting on this news a couple of days to make sure my brother was able to make his announcement in person to everyone he needed to announce it to. On Thursday night he called and told me that he asked his lovely girlfriend, Amber, to marry him and that she’d said YES.

I am so very excited for my little brother. May God bless you both as you start a new life, a new family together.


Here we go:

Tim with Amber (on left) and our cousin Wendy Carter (on right) at an exhibition of Wendy’s art.

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  • Melanie, this is beautiful. And your last point is so simple, yet more precious than words…. “she’s developing the habit of listening…” May she spend her life listening… may we all…

