Valentine’s Day Out and About

Valentine’s Day Out and About

Today began with Valentine’s Day treats. We were meeting my friend Meghan, and her little boy, one year-old William, for a play date at Whole Foods Market. Meghan, my former roommate, is the one who introduced me to Dom in the first place. So it seems fitting we met up on Valentine’s Day. She’s my own personal cupid.

So where was I? Valentines treats: A mocha latte and gooey chocolate eclair for me (The last time I had an eclair it was a sorry Dunkin Donuts imitation. The ones they sell at Whole Foods are a heavenly confection that scorns to share a name with the donut shop variety), hot cocoa and mini cupcakes for the kids. I was so impressed that the girl making the drinks gave me the kids’ cocoa at a nice just warmer than room temperature, not hot enough to burn a child. And I didn’t even ask her to. However, I forgot to ask for my coffee to be decaf. Now I’m still wired. Oh boy!

It was such a lovely visit and the kids, as always, had fun playing with all the novel toys. It was hard to get them to leave. Every time I meet up with a friend like that, I always wonder why on earth I don’t do it more frequently. I have such a great time. Call in introvert inertia, I know.

Did I mention it was 52 degrees out and we had to shed our coats because the kids were complaining about being sweaty? Yeah, that was nice.

After Whole Foods, we went next door to L.L. Bean where I found new gloves for myself. My nice leather ones have a hole in the lining and my finger tips are tired of freezing. I also found a nice pair of colorful stripy tights for Bella. On sale! She was thrilled and insisted on putting them on as soon as we got home.

Speaking of Bella, when she got dressed this morning she put on a lovely pink ensemble with hearts on the shirt. Did she know it was Valentine’s Day or was it a lucky coincidence? She said she just wanted to wear pink.

Then, we went across the road to the Daughter’s of St Paul book store where I bought Erika Bachiochi’s new book, Women, Sex and the Church and picked up a few small things to have on reserve for the girls’ name day and baptism day celebrations. Fun surprise also to run into my brother-in-law and a friend there. The kids love the store because there is a nice array of toys to play with. I love the fact that there’s a tiny adoration chapel there too. It certainly made getting the kids out of the store. I lured them away from the toys and books by saying we were going to go see Jesus. We knelt down and said a prayer and Ben went crazy over the little statue of a Madonna and Child. After that, we said goodbye to Jesus and made our get away, saying goodbye to the sister, who also handed out candy bracelets to the kids. I love the Daughters of St Paul.

After that it was getting quite late. We headed back home for a very late lunch and naps.

The kids got Valentines cards from Grandma B. Great excitement when I passed out the envelopes!

The girls immediately ran to find wallets to put their money into. Bella has been talking nonstop about what she might want to spend it on: “I can buy anything I want!” she exclaimed. Then she got more thoughtful: “What shall I buy with my money, I wonder? I shall sit down to think.” (Her exact words.)

Ben loved his puppy dog card. When Auntie Theresa helped him open his card, he saw it and started panting like a dog. It was so cute!

Sophie was most taken with the card and has been carrying it around saying, “It’s a heart!” and “Happy Valentines Day!”

Then they all had to tell Dom about it when he got home. So many thrills.

Bella informed me that there are 16 hearts on her Valentine’s day card from Grandma. Guess how many hearts there really were? 16!!! She counted them! This is a first for her. She’s only just started trying to count to 20 and I think one of the first times she’s really tried to count actual objects.

Sophie ended the evening looking at the Land’s End bathing suit catalog and telling stories about going to the beach and driving to World’s End. Very cute. I love the way she got the name of the catalog all mixed up in her head with the name of the park in Hingham that we visited last year. Just like she calls Midnight Mass “goodnight Mass”. Love the way her little mind works.


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  • Big hugs for you and Dom! I get the same emotions before my c/s.

    I had gestational diabetes requiring insulin, and it is very high odds that I will develop Type II diabetes. It scares me, because it is a total life changing disease. You have to think about what you are eating all the time, analyze things, exercise. I know you and Dom will be great at it—he will find a way to make diabetes meals healthy and delicious! But it will take time to get used to it all. Prayers.

  • My dear husband was diagnosed with diabetes when he was 22, just weeks before our first child was born. It seems like a lifetime ago. It was alarming and frightening. I know exactly what you’re feeling. But we did just keep on going. And the joy our little daughter brought was unmatched. Many prayers for all of you.

  • Melanie, you and Dom will be just fine. You’ll both go on to build your health and that of your whole family. The healthy diet for diabetics is the healthy diet for everyone; it’ll be second nature to you soon. Every blessing to you. – Valerie.

  • We will keep Dom in prayer as he learns more about his diagnosis and how to manage it.  Be assured of our prayers for you too as you prepare to welcome this newest little one.  God Bless You!!

  • Comment on the post after this one: You were a radiant bride. Your veil was stunning, and so were you!

    And for this post: Keeping you all close in prayer.

    My future sister-in-law has Type 1 diabetes, so I’m getting to know the disease well. Blessings to you all.

    (Ironically, my word is “control82.” Sometimes I wonder why God gives us so much to juggle all at once and then I remember it’s because He’s trying to teach all of us to depend more on Him. But I so badly want to be one the juggling.)

  • My prayers for you and your husband.
    If I might ask, what were Dom’s symptoms that prompted him to go to the doctor?  I ask because my husband has a family history of diabetes and I fear he may be an undiagnosed diabetic.

  • Oh Melanie, I’m so sorry. I wanted to comment last night but had my hands full. I will keep you and Dom and all the kids in my prayers.

    I really wish there was something I could do to help. I know how it feels to be completely overwhelmed with terrible news and stressful situations. If you need anything or if there’s anything I can do, don’t hesitate.

  • Type II diabetes is a manageable disease.  The inconveniences are small and small steps will help.  At first they can seem like a hardship, but you adjust and then they seem normal.  For me the hardest part is getting over the stress=eat (still working on that).  But if that’s the issue, it sounds like Dom is largely non-symptomatic and the problem has been caught early on.  My father-in-law has had Type II diabetes for about 30 years (he’s turning 80 next month).  He’s never been on insulin and he’s doing great.  He even eats dessert on holidays!  He is my role model, even if I am not as conscientious about exercise as he is.  You can still enjoy your life together, even though this seems devastating right now.

  • My dear friends, thank you all for your prayers and support. They are such a comfort to me. God bless you all.

    No symptoms, just a regular checkup with his doctor.

