A Very Happy Thanksgiving

A Very Happy Thanksgiving

The kids’ table.

I hope all of you had a blessed day full of family and food and fun.

Holding my sweet niece, Zelie. Isn’t she a doll?

Sweet Sophie loved Auntie Carol’s chocolate mousse. (So did Ben and I!)

I was very grateful that my wonderful sister-in-law, Carol, cooked a beautiful Thanksgiving dinner. I made my favorite Brussels sprouts with bacon and a delicious pecan pie. And that was the limit of my culinary powers.

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  • It amuses me too. Since I’m not a native New Englander, I know most of the place names first as English place names from novels. I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned Hull as a destination since I mainly think of going to the beach there, which is Nantasket beach rather than Hull beach. Nantasket is of course a Native American name.

