The Passion of Christ Illustrated by James J. Tissot

The Passion of Christ Illustrated by James J. Tissot


In looking for pictures to illustrate my previous post I stumbled across this site that has links to Tissot’s paintings of the life of Christ. All the links are nicely organized into a narrative of the passion. In some ways this is nicer than the Tissot book I have because it is easier to “read” them as a story, to meditate on the images without the distractions of the text.

Bella and I spent some time looking at them this afternoon during nap time. A good way to meditate on the passion. I think we’ll return to them tomorrow. Not a bad way to spend some time on Good Friday.

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  • Mine too. In fact this reading is responsible for my getting the 4 volume set and beginning to pray the Office of Readings regularly. It is one of the few readings from the OoR included in the one volume Christian Prayer and I was so struck by it I mentioned it to my dad. He told me there were many more long reading of the sort in the longer volumes and then he later sent me the whole set. It’s still the best one.

