
Archive: January 2010

May the Heart of Jesus Christ Be Our School

May the Heart of Jesus Christ be our school! Let us make our abode there . . . Let us study its movements and attempt to conform ours to them. Yes, O Divine Jesus, I want to live there and pour all my gall into Your Heart, which will rapidly consume...

Glad Tidings of Great Joy

This morning Bella was holding the angel from the nativity and singing: I love you…. Don’t be scared…. It’s ok…. Cuz I love you… So don’t be scared…. Her own version of the angel’s song. None of...

2009 Retrospective

I’m still finishing up with the old year. Not quite ready to let go and move on.I have a few posts I want to polish up of books I read in 2009 and never blogged about. I plan to spend some time going through my unfinished blog posts. Plan...

To Do the Will of God

Reading from a conference to her spiritual daughters by St Elizabeth Ann Seton (from today’s Office of Readings) I will tell you what is my own great help. I once read or heard that an interior life means but the continuation of our Saviour�s...

New Year’s Meme

Stealing a blog meme from Arwen. Also probably some of her answers since our lives have some notable parallels—like we both gave birth to a son last year. 1. What did you do in 2009 that you�d never done before?
 Like Arwen, I gave birth...


Today the Bridegroom claims his bride, the Church, Since Christ has washed her sins away in Jordan�s waters; The Magi hasten with their gifts to the royal wedding; And the wedding guests rejoice, for Christ has changed water into wine, Alleluia...

Greeting the New Year: Same Old Story

This morning I greeted the new year with a grumble. No. That’s an understatement. I was downright grinchy. Used to be when I saw in the new year on less than four hours of sleep it was due to some crazy partying. Well maybe not crazy by...

