7 Quick Takes

7 Quick Takes


1. We took the tree down on Sunday. Suddenly the living room seems so much bigger.


And all the decorations, of course. It looks so plain and bare.

We packed up the nativity scene, much to Bella’s dismay. And all the Christmas books.

Sophie still asks for candles at dinner time.

Ordinary time.

2. Actually I should have said that we packed up all the Christmas books but one. Holly and Ivy by Rumer Godden, Bella and Sophie’s new book from Grandma and Granddad Scott, had to stay out. I had mercy on Bella because she’d only had it read to her a couple of times. I’m gratified that Bella loves it as much as I do.

I’ll be posting a review of that soon. I hope.

3. This morning Dom mentioned his plan to get rid of some remnant siding that is taking up room in the shed. Poor Bella misunderstood and began pleading for preservation of her slide: “I want to keep my slide,” and, charmingly, for Sophie’s: “Sophie wants to keep her slide too.” A sweet lisping Abraham begging for mercy.

4. This afternoon at nap time Bella had Sophie’s new sweater on her lap and was pretending to knit it using two metal handle baby spoons. So cute. She was even ‘counting’ stitches: “One, two, three, six, nine, ten…”

5. An indoor picnic is a favorite activity in these cold winter days. Warm quilts on the floor. Plenty of pretend soup and tea.


“Here, Mama, have some.”


6. Mary with icicles


I just love the long jagged icicles in the front window. The camera just doesn’t do them justice, how the capture the light at various times of day.


In the mornings a splendid wall of flaming ice behind my Lady of Grace.


The house bristles with teeth, ready to eat an unsuspecting passerby.

7. It was a busy morning on Sunday and the girls never got to go outside to play. At nap time Bella was heartbroken. So we promised if she got up from her nap before dark she could go out and play for a bit.

That’s the easiest I’ve ever woken her from a nap.

And it made for some stunning photos as she played in the light of the setting sun.




Visit Jennifer at Conversion Diary for more quick takes.

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