Catholic New Media Celebration… in Boston!

Catholic New Media Celebration… in Boston!

It’s official! SQPN’s Catholic New Media Celebration is coming to Boston in 2010 and Dom is their official liaison/host for the archdiocese.

I was quite disappointed that we couldn’t make it to San Antonio for this year’s event. But Baby Ben had other ideas. So I am especially delighted that next year we won’t have to travel far. Now all you wonderful Catholic bloggers out there should put it on your calendars and come to Boston. Maybe we’ll even have a BBQ here at our place for anyone who lingers for an extra day.

August 7 is the day (just five days after my birthday, what a treat!). So mark your calendars and start looking for tickets. More details will be forthcoming I’m sure.

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  • Thanks. I’m really hoping it’s just a growth spurt and once he no longer needs to eat round the clock we’ll go back to normal.

  • Ah, babyhood… every “habit” comes and goes: you think you have a nice routine all settled, and then the baby suddenly changes his mind. So you’re in for some rough weeks, until things change again, and you sigh in relief and anjoy the break, until… Life with babies is such a pendulum smile Hugs to your three angels. G.

