Apples and the Abbey

Apples and the Abbey

We went for a drive this morning.


To Big Apple farm.


It was too late in the season to pick our own apples.


But we got to watch the apple sorter at work.


And we ate some apples, of course.


Well, Ben didn’t have any; but he didn’t seem to mind much.


Sophie just nibbled the edges of hers like a little mouse.


Bella demolished hear apple. Ate it core and all and Dom just pulled the stem out of her mouth before she gobbled it too. But this is her finishing off a cider donut.


We discovered Mount Saint Mary’s Abbey, was just a way up the road. So we paid a visit to the Cistercian sisters of strict observance. First we stopped in the chapel to pray.


Then we went over to the gift shop where we bought some chocolates and a children’s book about Edith Stein and some beautiful cards.


Have to help support the sisters, after all.


A good day even if someone is a bit cranky after a curtailed car-nap.

More photos from Dom here.

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  • Congratulations to Bella on going to the bathroom on her own at night!!
    I’m absolutely no pro at potty training, so take this for what it is worth. We didn’t have Cecilia wear underwear to bed at night until she woke in the morning with dry pullups.
    Does she drink a lot before bed? Maybe take away her access to drinks an hour before bedtime? Dunno if that would help but, well, let’s just say as someone who had years of personal experience with a similar subject, refraining from beverages before bed could help.

  • We try the beverae thing but Bella has to have everything just so and will not sleep unless she has a sippy cup in her bed. Especially hard when we’re trying to tuck her in after Sophie is already in bed.  Sophie usually crashes right after prayers and Bella stays up for an extra story of two.

    I can’t blame her. I keep a glass of water by my bed too. Never go to sleep without it, even when traveling. I’ve tried to explain the connection to Bella but she doesn’t want to hear it.

  • No, I can’t say as I blame her either. Both of our girls go to bed with a sippy cup of water too. My only further suggestion would be to give her the cup with minimal water. Of course you don’t want her crying during the night for being out of water but, maybe that that way she would have her cup and even a bit of water in it but maybe if it isn’t there she wouldn’t drink as much?

    Other than that my only comment would be to say that everyone develops at a different pace and it may simply be that her system isn’t there yet and maybe, right now, learning to go to the potty during the night herself is the most important thing she can learn.

    Any idea when their system learns not to stick their hands inside their diapers while they are wearing them? smile

  • A word to the wise from the mom three of whose kids didn’t dry up at night until their teens (alas, I’m not kidding!).

    Shower curtain liners. 

    I hope you are through with night-time wets, but if you’re not, I recommend shower curtain liners under the sheets.  You still have to wash the sheets, but the mattresses are protected much, much better than pull-ups.  They are less expensive than special rubber sheets and (in my experience) work better, too.

    Good luck!  When they wake up by themselves you’re pretty much there.

