Keeping House

Keeping House

9:30 last night found me on my hands and knees scrubbing the kitchen floor. I just couldn’t stand it any longer and I knew today I’d have to do laundry and go to the grocery store and there might not be time to wash the floor. There was no way I was going to let it go until Tuesday.

So I guess that I’m back. Back to being able to stay up a bit later, back to tackling housekeeping, back to grocery shopping (though now with three kids!) And it feels good.

I’d settled in my mind that I’d give myself until September and then I’d begin to seriously pick up the slack, ease myself back into routines and rhythms of house cleaning. There is so much to do; but I’m taking it a little at a time.

To inspire myself I picked up a nice fat tome at the library: Home Comforts: The Art and Science of Keeping House by Cheryl Mendelson. I’ll post a review later. Right now I’m just in chapter two. But so far I’m loving it. She’s a smart lawyer who loves to keep house. She tackles it as an intellectual puzzle, seeking the most efficient ways to accomplish common chores. Moreover, she not only explains how, she examines the why. This volume is as much a philosophy of homemaking as it is a how-to manual.

So now I’m off to pop my roast in the oven and then make my bed with lovely clean sheets. Then if Ben is still sleeping I may even go trim my roses….


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1 comment
  • That’s a great one, thanks for sharing. I needed to read that today as I’ve been having one of those what-the-heck-am-I-doing making motherhood my primary (only?) calling. And you do convey regularly in your posting how much you love your children and how much you desire to send them down the road that will bring them to heaven. I very much appreciate that about your blog.

