The Day in Brief

The Day in Brief

A more modest day today. The grocery store this morning. That always eats the entire morning. Honestly.

I started contracting halfway through the shopping list. The Longest Checkout Wait Ever. Oh, wait there was only one lady in front of me and she didn’t even take all that long. It was actually quick, it just felt long because I was tiredandinpain.

Lunch was not a pretty thing. Two cranky girls and one extremely cranky mama. I was not patient. It got ugly. But somehow food was eaten. So there’s that.

I was so glad to get them down for naps. And then I rested. And, yes, prayed.

Dinner was burgers on the grill and pasta salad. Burgers and dogs have been a staple this summer. Amazingly with all the rain we’ve had. I’m not necessarily proud of the number of times I’ve turned to this default. But then again on a night when Dom grills my back isn’t screaming in pain.

Because dinner was so painless, I had a little time after dinner to move furniture and vacuum. I’d previously moved the portacrib out of our room this morning. So I vacuumed where it had been and moved the changing table in from the girls’ room. Then vacuumed their room and moved the dresser from my sister’s room. And put the rug back down that was the victim of an unfortunate accident last night.

I also dusted the top of my dresser and straightened it. And hung two pictures we bought on our honeymoon that have been waiting eight months to be hung. They look so cute there, why did it take so long to hammer two nails into the wall?

Bella discovered the new dresser and spontaneously moved all her clothes into it. Guess she doesn’t mind the change. I still have to do some sorting and figuring about where the kids clothes will be stored, how to manage diaper flow and all sorts of things. I’m not very pleased with the layout in our bedroom.

Recently I’ve discovered at least half a dozen pieces of furniture my life would be better if I had. Sadly, that’s not in the budget. So I’ll make do. Somehow. Though I keep checking Craig’s List, hoping….

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1 comment
  • Some notes on various items on that shelf: The icon of the Madonna and Child came from Moscow via some friends from school; the triptych I bought in Rome during my first trip there in 1999; the St. Faustina relic was given to me by a sister of her order who visited Steubenville when I was there.

