Rainy, Dreamy

Rainy, Dreamy

I’m having a sleepy rainy day. I got up and said prayers this morning and then fell back to sleep. I almost fell asleep at a stoplight after our abortive effort to go to the playground. (Poor Bella was so sad when she realized it was just too wet to play, though I’m glad I made the effort to get there so it wasn’t just a mama says sort of thing.

I thought I’d nap when the girls went down; but just couldn’t settle to sleep. Still, I’m dozy and wish I’d caught just a few winks. Listening to Bach, mostly violin sonatas. I love searching Bach on iTunes and then letting it randomly play through what I’ve got. I like classical music but Bach soothes my soul, refreshes and relaxes me in a way nothing else does. Too tired to write the half dozen (at least!) book reviews that are waiting to be written. Glad to take advantage of an offer by my sister to go pick up some Pho for dinner. So I can continue to be in my haze. Got to go to bed early tonight. OB appointment tomorrow afternoon.

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