What We’re Listening to Today: Jennie Jenkins

What We’re Listening to Today: Jennie Jenkins

It was a music day this morning, Bella decided. While I was still saying prayers she pulled out the song book and began singing. She climbed up in my lap and I joined in with her when I was done praying.

There are a few songs in the book I don’t know the tune to and every once in a while I try to look one up on You Tube while we’re having one of these singing sessions. If I find a good version we listen to it over and over until I learn the melody and words so I can sing it to Bella out of the book. Today I looked up Jennie Jenkins, a folk song I’d never heard before. I found a few versions. The one I liked best was by Lisa Loeb:

I also liked this version:

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  • I can’t imagine anyone would object to you asking to kill the poison ivy.  Now, maybe if you insist they do it, you might get more resistance, or just inertia. But it’s poision ivy; it’s not like you’re asking them to cut down a beloved tree.  But I can understand the inertia—we have nieighbors I’ve never met, and they’ve been here 4+ years. (We been here 11-42 years, me and my husband, respectively!)

  • i’m glad the dad knows you have an open heart! I’m sure that is a real relief! Blessings on the little girl and her family

  • Actually, that was backward: me 342 years, my husband 11.  Serves me right for such a complicated sentence!

