It Makes Me Happy

It Makes Me Happy


This back corner of the back yard. The clump of trees, the big rocks strewn randomly about with grass threatening to overtake them (I’m glad Dom agrees not to hack at it with the weed whacker). At the far right are the tulips, little patches of yellow and pink. All the other bits of yellow are dandelions. They make me foolishly happy too, little patches of sunshine. Especially when Bella gathers handfuls of them and brings them to me as presents. Oh be still, my heart.

I’m so very glad I have a little bit of pretty to catch my eye when I glance out the window.

The other bit I don’t have pictured is that right now when I’m changing Sophie’s diaper the view from the bedroom window over the changing table is the peach tree is full bloom, a cloud of pink glory. Oh I do love spring after a long snowy winter. The world is green and flowering even if today was coldandrainy. I stayed home and baked bread and read books to the girls and made beans and took a nap and well there was a bit of complaining about the weather but not from me. From my dear Sophie who just can’t understand why I won’t let her outside. I was too busy pondering how beautiful the world is when the green is wet.

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