Ames Pond

Ames Pond


Today was a hot summery day; it got up into the 90s. After breakfast Bella began begging to go to the park and I didn’t have any other pressing plans so I agreed. After putting Sophie outside in the swing so she wouldn’t scream as I prepared snacks to take with us, I put the girls and the stroller int he car and with my sister we set out to explore a nearby state park that we’d scoped out earlier in the year.

Bella was a bit upset that there was no playground. In her mind a trip to the park just isn’t complete unless there are slides and swings and all sorts of things to climb on and in. But she was soon distracted by the presence of a pond into which she could throw sticks, by ducks and geese and dogs. She came back to her complaint a few more times when I moved her away from the water to the picnic area and again when we packed up to leave.

She was only slightly mollified when we did find a swing set at the picnic area. She didn’t think that quite qualified. Though she was happy enough to be pushed in the swing.


Bella plays on the dock.


I love walking among big trees. Oh the smell of pines is so refreshing. There really is nothing like it. And you can see I’m wearing my new skirt I bought yesterday. A great find.

Sophie, however, didn’t love being among the trees so much. She was desperate to get down to the water. Um, no.


So peaceful to watch the geese swimming in the mirror calm water.


A bridge! Perfect for throwing sticks! Like Pooh!


Bella prepares to launch another stick.


There was a lovely bit of deep shade next to the dam. A perfect place to sit and watch Bella throw her sticks.


Sophie picked up rocks and put them into the stroller.


We watched as a duck swam right to the edge of the spillway. It looked like he’d go over for sure.


But he didn’t. Instead he stopped and perched right on the edge.


And then stood on one leg, tucked his head under his wing, and went to sleep.


I brought enough food for a picnic lunch, but it was too hot and I couldn’t get the girls to sit still long enough to eat. Sophie was turning red and refusing to drink any water so we came back home for lunch after all. Still, a lovely restful morning at the park. I look forward to going again and again.

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