7 Quick Takes

7 Quick Takes


I am appalled at how much I am having to shell out to get all our medical records: $25 per person, per doctor. Plus shipping costs. Merry Christmas!


I found a sheet of adorable Gee’s Bend quilt stamps I bought some time ago. They now all need $.03 make up stamps to be usable. Guess I haven’t been corresponding much recently.


Bella came up to me with a funny greeting: “Hello, Mama, she said.”

Yes, Bella said, “she said.” Have we been reading too many books? I know A.A. Milne uses speech attributions quite a bit and we read Winnie-the-Pooh at lest twice a day, so I guess that’s where she got it.


Today I found an icon of my patron saint, St Melania. How cool is that!?! I’ve never actually seen an image of her. And for a print the prices are pretty reasonable. One of these days, I’m going to get a copy of this.

They also have St. Sophia of Rome, which is the icon I was actually looking for. Maybe for her birthday.

I’m still hunting for an image of St. Isabel of France, Bella’s patron saint. We do have an image of her in one of our alphabet books, which I bought precisely because of that one picture, but I’d love to find one we could frame and hang on the wall above her bed.


Ham bone and bay leaves simmering on the stove, smells so good. It will be split pea soup for dinner. Snow falling, falling, falling. Dom got off work early for the snow day. Hooray!


Sophia hasn’t been napping the last few days. She’s obviously tired, but something wakes her up soon after I put her down. This afternoon, though she fell asleep in Dom’s arms and took a nice 45 minute snooze. Poor Dom’s arm was very tired, but it was nice to see her get some rest.


Bella is absolutely loving playing with the figures in the Nativity set. Yesterday she grabbed a book and went to sing to Baby Jesus. “I’m going to sing to my Baby Jesus,” she announced. She’s also placed Mary, Jesus, the wise men and the shepherds into a wooden box and explained that they were going to the store to buy some socks. And I think she’s been talking to Holy Mary on the cell phone. And when I am not able to read her the Christmas story, she opens the book herself, sits on the edge of the fireplace (where we have the creche) and reads the story to herself, placing the figures on the pages of the book as she turns the pages.

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