First Snow

First Snow

Sunday morning we woke up to a fine powder dusting the yard.


By the time we got home from mass, there was a couple of inches on the ground.




Isabella, Auntie Tree, and I went out to play in the snow while Sophie slept and Dom sensibly stayed inside where it was warm.


Bella helped to scrape off the cars.


My sister was enchanted with her first New England snowfall. She threw snowballs, and she and Bella make their first ever snowman. Unfortunately, the pictures of the snowman will have to wait as they are on my sister’s camera.


Here’s our front door with Christmas wreath. The kids at the parish school were selling them. It’s a nice big fluffy one.

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  • I just finished Friday’s Child and The Corinthian and am starting on The Nonesuch. Mine are ancient copies scrounged at used book stores.

    Good to know they are being re-released. Most of the Heyer I’ve read I’ve either borrowed from a friend or from the library.

  • Sorry it’s such slow going right now—that’s especially tough at holiday time.

    Do you have a copy of “The Knee Baby” by Mary Jarrell?  It’s a picture book about a brother and sister which features the brother rolling on the floor pretending he’s the baby like his sister… one of mine loved it best of all the “sibling” books I read (and I read many, many…).  There are many copies in Minuteman, so your library system probably has some, too.

  • I’ve never heard of The Knee baby. Sounds like it might be a hit. I’ll have to get a library card before I can reserve it but it does look like there’s a copy in our system (We’re in the Old Colony Library Network). Thanks for the tip.

  • So sorry, Melanie. My energy has only just begun to come back and then it is only some days. I manage with laundry and food shopping by focusing on them in the morning. I must likewise admit though that the cleaning has taken a big hit. What is dust when you don’t want to stand? I find myself raising my voice to Cecilia more wondering why she seems to still not hear me. How do 2 year olds ignore you even when you could shatter glass?

