Frugal Decorating

Frugal Decorating


This mirror with hooks was hanging in the kitchen of our apartment, right inside the back door so we could hang up our keys as soon as we came in. A very handy thing, but it looked quite dull because I was still searching for the perfect pictures to place in the four holes on either side of the mirror. I had an idea of something floral, perhaps vintage postcards, hand painted watercolors, etc. But for more than a year it hung there with the empty frames mocking me.

Then when I was unpacking boxes of books, I found an old Georgia O’Keefe day planner, kept from my college days, that I couldn’t bear to throw away because the pictures were so lovely. Inspiration struck. Finally, I had pictures to put in my frame. I grabbed Dom’s paper cutter and went to work last night after the girls were in bed.

I do think it came out rather well. Now it is both functional and decorative. Yet another homey flourish for the new house.

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  • Yeah, she is adorably cute, isn’t she? And she looks very much like her auntie/godmother in those photos, actually.

    I don’t think it has really sunk in for Bella, but she does absolutely adore her “Auntie Treese” and has been quite giddy the last few days. And so does Sophie, who does manage to smile and laugh in between diaper changes.

  • #1 – That is so cool! I am really jealous. That sounds like a wonderful setup.

    #2 – We went through the exact same thing with LC. Oooh, I know your pain.

    I’m excited that you participated in 7QT!

