

A treat in today’s mail.

As we sit down to dinner, Dom tells me there’s a book package waiting on my chair. Not unusual, though I don’t recall that I’m waiting for anything right now. It’s from Amazon, he says. Curiouser and curiouser. I know I haven’t ordered any books from Amazon.

Unexpected surprises are the sweetest. Ok, I know by definition a surprise is unexpected. But some are more unexpected than others, if you know what I mean. When Christmas or your birthday is coming up, you aren’t as surprised by a package arriving at your doorstep as you are in the middle of ordinary time.

And so I tore open the package before I even tasted my soup. The latest by Billy Collins! I didn’t even know he’d released a new book. What joy. I opened it up and read the first poem to Dom. Who laughed aloud. Yeah, I love Billy Collins.

Thanks, mom!

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  • I think you are right when you say it is a decision not just about schooling.

    Now that our journey is over, I look back and tell people:  “Not only was homeschooling the right educational choice for Zack, but it was the right choice for our whole family’s life

    Never regretted our 11 years of homeschooling.  Never.

