Sophia’s First Movie

Sophia’s First Movie

This afternoon after nap time we dropped Isabella at Dom’s sister’s house and snuck off to see Indiana Jones. We brought Sophia with us because she’s still nursing on demand and I couldn’t be sure she wouldn’t get ravenous while we were gone.

She was pretty well behaved. She didn’t sleep much, though. The one time she drifted off and I tried to put her down in the seat, she woke up and started fussing. But the movie was loud enough at just the right moments that I don’t think her squawking bothered anyone but us.

As for the movie, it was great. Exactly what I expected: a fedora, a bullwhip, some great chases, a little romance, some corny humor, a wicked woman with an accent who gets exactly what she deserves, and the greatest archaeologist of all time. Who could ask for anything more?

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