Backyard Birds

Backyard Birds

I opened the blind above my kitchen sink this morning and saw a hawk (not clearly enough to identify precisely what he was) sitting on the fence right beside our minivan. He kept diving at the little sparrows in the bushes, I couldn’t see them but could hear their twittering, and returning to his perch on the fence. Later, he moved to the back of a chair on the patio. I couldn’t get a great shot through the screen, though.




I didn’t lift Isabella up to see him, either. She was in the other room and I didn’t think of it. And I’ve been trying not to pick her up, anyway. Maybe next time.


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1 comment
  • Agree completely.  Thankfully the TV in my doctor’s office is usually on the History Channel.  Strangely, I have been blessed lately to be there during Mythbusters.

    I was subjected to the View a couple of years ago, and have avoided that show like the plague ever since.  Blech.

