Nesting Mania

Nesting Mania

Yesterday I bought a new dresser for $50 via Craig’s List. Dom thinks I might have paid a bit more than it was worth. But to me having his clothes in a real dresser rather than in 6 boxes and piles all over the bedroom is priceless.

This morning he unloaded it from the back of the minivan and put it on the porch, meaning to bring it in after work this evening. This afternoon I dusted it with Pledge while Bella took her nap and then, being impatient, dragged it into the bedroom. Yes, I got the expected comments when he got home: “You’re how many months pregnant?” But I dragged it. I only had to lift one end at a time over the thresholds. And the drawers I carried in separately.

Once the new dresser was in place I was inspired to clean out my own dresser, putting away all the clothes that don’t fit to make room for the clothes I actually wear inside said piece of furniture instead of in a mound on top.

And then I sorted through that bag of maternity clothes that a friend gave me last January (the one that was sitting in our living room until we moved and since then has been sitting in our dining room until I plopped it in the bedroom last week) and pulled out the few things I wanted. Tomorrow I’ll be making a drop off at our parish’s St. Vincent de Paul shop.

And when Dom came home he emptied more of the boxes and filled the dresser and we found more clothes to donate.  So now I just need to find a home for all my winter scarves and hats. Oh, and sort through the half dozen bags and boxes of baby clothes, some left over from Bella, some given to me by my sister in law. And then there are the books to sort through. And then a baby quilt to make….

Yep, the bug has bitten me. I’ve got it bad.

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  • So I think tonight’s program is going to be cuddling with my husband once the baby is in bed.


  • I had the fell-asleep-at-the-wrong-time-then-wouldn’t-nap problem yesterday. When you are pregnant and tired it is that much tougher :(. Mercifully today we both had a one and a half hour sleep smile.

  • My prayers are certainly with you in your last stages of pregnancy… I am a new reader of your blog so I don’t know if you have any other children, but either way, judging merely from your inviting blog, I’m sure that your children and husband will be continually blessed by all you surround them with, as I can tell you are drawn to beautiful things.
    Grace and Peace to you!
    – Jo

  • Dale keeps me plied with chocolate. Did you know they make dark chocolate Raisinets?
    And the dark Nuggets with almonds are good, too. And you can convince yourself that the first are a serving of fruit and the latter has protein. smile

    Ah, hormones…

  • I’m one of those weird people who don’t like raisins. But I do love the chocolate covered almonds, blueberries, cherries, cranberries, pecans….. I know there can’t be much difference between dried cherries and dried grapes except in my head; but there you go.

    These wonderful treats are dried cherries covered in dark chocolate (milk chocolate isn’t real chocolate no matter what they tell you!), they’re our local supermarket’s in-house brand and are scrumptious.

