Another urgent prayer request

Another urgent prayer request

Please pray for blogging mom Heather Price. Her husband, Dale, says

says she’s being admitted to the hospital after experiencing chest pains and shortness of breath. They think right now it’s blood clots. They’ve just recently discovered Heather is pregnant and they had a miscarriage earlier this year.

God, bless Heather and protect her and the baby. Strengthen and comfort Dale, Heather and their children and family during this time of crisis. Guide her doctors in their diagnosis and treatment. Mother Mary, pray for us.

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  • How inspiring! I’m thrilled to hear that they’re trying to make it a movement and not just a one-time event. How lucky for the people of Boston.

    I’ve really enjoyed reading your and Dom’s coverage. Thanks for sharing!

    And happy Mother’s Day!

  • “Everyone except the truly blind can see that all the problems besieging us today have their root in a brokenness in our understanding of sexuality.”

    Amen, amen, dico tibi!

  • Isn’t Chris West amazing?! I saw him on Long Island a couple of weeks ago, and his perspective on the culture is so important! TOB as he explains it,  is the key to the New Springtime of Evangelization, as you said it heals the brokeness in our understandig of sexuality.
    I have an Anglican friend who brought his wife there, they spent some private time with Chris and are considering coming home to Rome! This was a very blessed weekend!

