Thank You

Thank You

To all who are praying for us. You are in our prayers as well.

To all who have left comments here and on my husbands blog.

To Elizabeth Foss.

To the ladies at the 4 Real Learning forums.

To Amy Welborn and Dale Price and all the other bloggers who have also asked for prayers for us.

Also to all the members of the secular Carmelites in my dad’s community and other Carmelites. I know they are storming heaven with their prayers as well.

I am really very moved by all these outpourings of prayer and support and love. Truly God is showering us with blessings in our time of trial. We are truly surrounded by a cloud of witnesses. I wish I could give each and every one of you a hug and thank you personally.

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1 comment
  • Hello,

    I’ve been following your blog for a little while, ever since you posted about your experience at UD, but have never commented before. I found your blog while searching for more information about the school, as I am a senior in high school. I just want to let you know that your observations about UD have been so helpful to me, that I am going there next year in some part because of those thoughts. Most of all, though, I wanted to let you know that your prayerful reflections on life in Christ and your powerful witness of trusting in him with the crosses you are carrying now have inspired me. The Lord is certainly working through you in this blog, and I am grateful that you have been such an instrument of his grace. God bless you! I will be praying for you.


