More on Madeleine L’Engle

More on Madeleine L’Engle

Dom pointed me to a blog that linked to my earlier posts on Michael O’Brien back in July. Enbrethiliel says that she agrees with O’Brien’s evaluation of Madeliene L’Engle:

I’m going to be a contrarian now and side with O’Brien, but not on the (surprisingly well-argued) charge of neo-paganism—even though I have good reason to. It was when I was a neo-pagan of sorts that I enjoyed L’Engle the most, though this may have just been coincidence. What I really liked were the fantasy elements which seemed to corroborate what I believed at the time: I would clutch at what seemed to be evidence of the universal “truth” of my strange brand of New Age-ism. What really distressed me were the passages which contradicted certain “laws” on which I based all my other beliefs. We could disagree on all other things, I felt, but not certain essentials. In necessasariis, unitas, and all that.

To refresh your memory, O’Brien argues that while L’Engle has some Christian elements there are fundamental flaws in her books which make them potentially harmful reading.

Unfortunately, Enbrethiliel doesnt’ really elaborate her arguments. However, she hints that her biggest problems are, like O’Brien’s with L’Engle’s neo-paganism. She does mention that the only books she considers really dangerous is A House Like A Lotus, which I know I’ve read but only dimly recall. That seems like a definite departure from O’Brien who mainly talks about the Meg Murray books, specifically, A Wind in the Door and A Wrinkle in Time.

I say unfortunately, because I would like to hear someone else elaborate their reasoning. I remain unconvinced but can’t quite shake off the feeling that if I hear the arguments presented in a different way I might be more swayed.


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  • No worries there, Melanie, having baby sleep in bed with you is more secure for the baby.
    We did it with our two kids- a family bed. It worked out great.

  • I’ve read all the arguments pro and con. So far I’ve only seen anecdotal evidence on both sides. And a couple of studies which seem to lump together SIDS and smothering deaths.

    The bottom line is parenting is full of worries and scares. And there are plenty of people on both sides of the issue full of passion and persoanl examples.

    Like most things, I guess it comes down to what feels right to you and what works for your family.

    I’m not thrilled with the family bed concept, even though I know there’s lots of historical basis. But at the same time, I have found that having Bella in bed with me sometimes prevents insomnia and late night awakeness.

